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Espresso Branding

Smooth Blend Espresso

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  • Dosering

    21 gram

  • Volume

    50 ml

  • Extractie

    27 sec


For this blend we have looked for a Brazilian coffee that lends itselve to a lighter roast than is usually done with Brazilian coffees. This is only possible with higher quality coffees, because the 'defects' are too prominent with a lower quality coffee in a lighter roast. We have roasted this coffee in such a way that there is a nice balance between the milk chocolate and nutty tones on the one hand and a small edge of sweet fruit on the other.

Are you looking for a coffee that makes a nice flat white or cortado, but also has a little more to offer as a black coffee or espresso than a darker roasted Brazil, then this is the blend for you!

In other words, with the Smooth Blend you make a delicious full cup of coffee that is bursting with creamy chocolate and nutty tones. In addition, it is the basis of our Eindje Blend.


Roast level
Origin Brazil. Mantiqueira de Minas and Serra da Mantiqueira regions.
Processing Natural, Pulped Natural.
Variety Yellow Bourbon
Taste Chocolate, Almond, full body, medium-low acidity.

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